Áramótauppgjör 2008 - Einsi Pallason
Enn er maður nánast að drukkna í skrifum fyrir Músina, en það tókst þó að koma listanum í loftið fyrir árið 2008. Ekkert sérstakt ár í rauninni og listinn því bara upp á 20 sæti þetta árið. En það er auðvitað kreppa og hún hefur áhrif á lista eins og annað.
20. Death Cab for cutie - Narrow Stairs
19. No Age - Nouns
18. Hot Chip - Made in the dark
17. Pete and the pirates - Little Death
16. Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow and Blue
15. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
14. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
13. Plants and animals - Parc Avenue
12. Portishead - Third
11. MGMT - Oracular spectacular
10. Deerhunter - Microcastle
9. Islands - Arm's Way
8. British Sea Power - Do you like rock music?
7. Cut Copy - In ghost colors
6. The Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometown
5. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
4. Stephen Malkmus - Real emotional trash
3. Hercules and love affair - Hercules and love affair
2. Tv on the radio - Dear Science
1. The Walkmen - You and me
20. Death Cab for cutie - Narrow Stairs
19. No Age - Nouns
18. Hot Chip - Made in the dark
17. Pete and the pirates - Little Death
16. Born Ruffians - Red, Yellow and Blue
15. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
14. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
13. Plants and animals - Parc Avenue
12. Portishead - Third
11. MGMT - Oracular spectacular
10. Deerhunter - Microcastle
9. Islands - Arm's Way
8. British Sea Power - Do you like rock music?
7. Cut Copy - In ghost colors
6. The Rural Alberta Advantage - Hometown
5. Wolf Parade - At Mount Zoomer
4. Stephen Malkmus - Real emotional trash
3. Hercules and love affair - Hercules and love affair
2. Tv on the radio - Dear Science
1. The Walkmen - You and me
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