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Svona til gagns og gamans þá tók ég saman topp 20 lista nokkurra vel valdra blaða/vefrita og bjó til einhvers konar heildarlista yfir topp 20 plötur ársins. Þarna eru m.a. Pitchfork, NME, Q, Stereogum, Rolling Stone ... Alls 12 stykki. Til gamans má geta þess að platan í toppsæti Einsa Pallasonar lendir í 38 sæti á þessum lista. Hér er svo auðvitað þrælgaman að sjá álfaguttana í Sigur Rós á lista.
1. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
2. TV On The Radio - Dear Science
3. Portishead - Third
4. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
5. Lil Wayne - Tha Carter III
6. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
7. Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night
8. MGMT - Orcular Spectacular
9. Deerhunter - Microcastle / Weird Era Cont.
10. Glasvegas - Glasvegas
11. Girl Talk - Feed The Animals
12. She & Him - Volume One (Merge)
13. Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
14. Coldplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
15. No Age - Nouns (Sub Pop)
16. Santogold - Santogold
17. Bob Dylan - Tell Tale Signs:The Bootleg Series Vol. 8
18. The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age Of The Understatement
19. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig!!! Lazarus, Dig!!!
20. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
1. Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes
2. TV On The Radio - Dear Science
3. Portishead - Third
4. Vampire Weekend - Vampire Weekend
5. Lil Wayne - Tha Carter III
6. Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
7. Kings Of Leon - Only By The Night
8. MGMT - Orcular Spectacular
9. Deerhunter - Microcastle / Weird Era Cont.
10. Glasvegas - Glasvegas
11. Girl Talk - Feed The Animals
12. She & Him - Volume One (Merge)
13. Sigur Rós - Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust
14. Coldplay - Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
15. No Age - Nouns (Sub Pop)
16. Santogold - Santogold
17. Bob Dylan - Tell Tale Signs:The Bootleg Series Vol. 8
18. The Last Shadow Puppets - The Age Of The Understatement
19. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dig!!! Lazarus, Dig!!!
20. My Morning Jacket - Evil Urges
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