Árslistinn 2005 - EFP
Þar sem að árslistarnir eru farnir að berast hérna inn þá held ég að mér sé ekki til setunnar boðið. Síðastliðið ár var einstaklega gjöfult hvað músíkina varðar. Endaði með að gera topp 30 lista þar sem ég vildi ekki skilja einhvern snillinginn út undan. Hér kemur listinn fyrir árið 2005.
30. Depeche Mode - Playing the angel
29. Art Brut - Bang bang rock and roll.
28. Bright Eyes - It’s wide awake, it’s morning.
27. Out Hud - let us never speak of it again.
26. Death Cab for cutie - Plans
25. Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
24. Caribou - the milk of human kindness
23. M Ward - Transistor Radio
22. Spoon - Gimme Fiction
21. Sons and daughters - Repulsion Box
20. Stephen Malkmus - Face the truth
19. Kimono - arctic death ship
18. Micah p. Hinson - and the gospel of progress
17. Franz Ferdinand - You could have it so much better.
16. Lou Barlow - Emoh
15. Chin up Chin up
14. Block Party - Silent Alarm
13. White Stripes - Get behind me Satan
12. Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
11. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
10. Andrew Bird and the mysterious production of eggs.
9. Gorillaz - Demon Days
8. Antony and the Johnsons - I am a bird now.
7. The boy least likely to - the best party ever
6. Calla - Collisions
5. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
4. Decemberists - Picaresque
3. Architecture in Helsinki - In case we die
2. Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary
1. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Tony og Synir Jóns, Fríkirkjunni.
Architecture in Helsinki, Nasa.
Sigur Rós, Hollywood Bowl LA.
Decemberists, Irving Plaza NY.
New Order, Hammerstein Ballroom NY.
White Stripes, Höllinni.
Hjartaylur ársins
Liverpool, Crouch meira að segja farinn að ylja manni.
Pirringur ársins
Airwaves. Óþolandi að sjá ekki Claps og Ratatat.
30. Depeche Mode - Playing the angel
29. Art Brut - Bang bang rock and roll.
28. Bright Eyes - It’s wide awake, it’s morning.
27. Out Hud - let us never speak of it again.
26. Death Cab for cutie - Plans
25. Broken Social Scene - Broken Social Scene
24. Caribou - the milk of human kindness
23. M Ward - Transistor Radio
22. Spoon - Gimme Fiction
21. Sons and daughters - Repulsion Box
20. Stephen Malkmus - Face the truth
19. Kimono - arctic death ship
18. Micah p. Hinson - and the gospel of progress
17. Franz Ferdinand - You could have it so much better.
16. Lou Barlow - Emoh
15. Chin up Chin up
14. Block Party - Silent Alarm
13. White Stripes - Get behind me Satan
12. Queens of the Stone Age - Lullabies to Paralyze
11. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema
10. Andrew Bird and the mysterious production of eggs.
9. Gorillaz - Demon Days
8. Antony and the Johnsons - I am a bird now.
7. The boy least likely to - the best party ever
6. Calla - Collisions
5. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah
4. Decemberists - Picaresque
3. Architecture in Helsinki - In case we die
2. Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary
1. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois
Tony og Synir Jóns, Fríkirkjunni.
Architecture in Helsinki, Nasa.
Sigur Rós, Hollywood Bowl LA.
Decemberists, Irving Plaza NY.
New Order, Hammerstein Ballroom NY.
White Stripes, Höllinni.
Hjartaylur ársins
Liverpool, Crouch meira að segja farinn að ylja manni.
Pirringur ársins
Airwaves. Óþolandi að sjá ekki Claps og Ratatat.
uss, þetta er rosalegt ár... ég ætla að melta listann minn með jólasteikinni, ekki tilbúinn alveg strax.
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